Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Lesson 1 (grade 2)

This is the first lesson of the year for my second grade high school students.  I taught ALL of the students the year before, so there was no reason to re-introduce myself.  This lesson will focus on my vacation in South Africa (my home country) and will give me the opportunity to ask them about their vacations too.  The aim of this lesson was to be an easy start to the year. 

Basic lesson plan.
  • Welcome the students back to the English conversation class.
  • Spend time chatting about what they did and where they went in their vacations.  My students really enjoy chewing the fat and theres nothing quite like some holiday banter to get the year going.  
  • Introduce the topic for the lesson.  "My vacation" .  
  • Use the PowerPoint presentation to show different aspects of the vacation.  (This slide show aims to teach the students more about my home country and culture as well as being just a vacation story.)  The  PowerPoint presentation was punctuated with video clips.  All the animal slides were explained giving the students the names of the animals and basic information about them.  (They LOVE guessing things and fooling around with silly answers when they have no idea.
  • At the end of the slide show there is a true/false quiz.  This is a great way to wrap up the lesson and to test their understanding of what has been said.  I normally give the winning team a prize of sorts.  
  • **


* I realise that this is a "personlised" lesson and that you would have to adapt the lesson plan to make it your own.  The lessons that will follow will be easier to use.

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